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Incomplete Albums

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USA gopherhockey
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 3:48 pm   Post subject: Incomplete Albums Reply with quote

I'm a regular at entranced.fm and stopped over for a change of pace.

Something I'm noticing right away is how many of my fav albums are only partially here. Doesn't seem to happen as often over on EFM. Is this an artist choice thing? A lot of good 80s music is just not here because of missing songs on albums.

Just curious.
Netherlands SiriusCreations
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 1:16 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

The reasons why they are incomplete can be of different reason.
JERIC decides what will be added or not. When he thinks a track does not fit here, it is not added. Not fitting are for example for him it has not an 80s feel. Like the 80s songs from Supertramp I suggested a long time ago, he responded although a great band and he likes it very much the songs give a 70s sound. Of course it is a personal thing. And he is always open for motivated suggestions to add more. Can be done through the request forum. Maybe when a lot members say they want it here, he will add it maybe.

JERIC wants on this station to keep instrumental tracks to the minimum. So some of those tracks will be ommited.

Another reason is that when JERIC/1980s.fm only owns a compilation album, the tracks will be saved here under the original album where it is coming from.

So if you are missing songs, go to the request forum and suggest to add more from that album and see what others think and finally see if JERIC is going to add it.
That's the beauty of music. They can't take that away from you. (Andy Dufresne - The Shawshank Redemption)
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Netherlands SiriusCreations
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 1:49 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

O forgot to mention, Welcome to the 80s and the forums, gopherhockey Very Happy
That's the beauty of music. They can't take that away from you. (Andy Dufresne - The Shawshank Redemption)
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USA gopherhockey
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:21 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

Makes sense. As I started to look around it also seemed like the more well known songs are "kept" while a lot of the lesser known ones are not. I suppose with this much music available it makes sense to keep the hits rolling.

Thanks, and thanks for the welcome. Like many, I grew up in the 80s so its fun to hear some of the music here - but my real love is still over on EFM Smile

Loverboy rulez! Shocked Cool

SiriusCreations wrote:
The reasons why they are incomplete can be of different reason.
JERIC decides what will be added or not. When he thinks a track does not fit here, it is not added. Not fitting are for example for him it has not an 80s feel. Like the 80s songs from Supertramp I suggested a long time ago, he responded although a great band and he likes it very much the songs give a 70s sound. Of course it is a personal thing. And he is always open for motivated suggestions to add more. Can be done through the request forum. Maybe when a lot members say they want it here, he will add it maybe.

JERIC wants on this station to keep instrumental tracks to the minimum. So some of those tracks will be ommited.

Another reason is that when JERIC/1980s.fm only owns a compilation album, the tracks will be saved here under the original album where it is coming from.

So if you are missing songs, go to the request forum and suggest to add more from that album and see what others think and finally see if JERIC is going to add it.
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