11 Feb 25 - 12:56
thezepp: Saludos notime Yes

FrozenHan: sup Thur

thuringwethil: Han!

notime33: Hola zeppSmile

thezepp: Smilegrin gracias por el a quien corresponda YesRock

thuringwethil: morning peeps

conaltheballbearing: Laughing

notime33: MB is banned from the notime morning show SmilegrinLaughing

conaltheballbearing: Hello there.....it appears to be the Pelle/Notime morning show. Thanks for the tunes, (except for maybe the MB)Smilegrin

notime33: You’re welcomeSmile Smilegrin

Winter: Thanks Notime. Smile

FrozenHan: good mundee mourning to y'all

notime33: Good morning all and the 80s Ladies SmileRock

Winter: Morning all

notime33: Thank you..it’s good to be back and to be missed SmileSmile

Lmarrese: And so have the rest of us too Smile

Lmarrese: Nice to see youy back, notime... I know conal has really missed you. CoolSmilegrin

notime33: Been off work since Thanksgiving Rolling eyesFirst Friday backSadNoCryingCrying

conaltheballbearing: Hello and welcome to Friday!!

conaltheballbearing: You need some aromatic candles!!!!Smilegrin

ski_83: uh-oh

thuringwethil: my house stinks Sad

thuringwethil: any time

ski_83: thx for the song thur Rock

thuringwethil: hola ski

Winter: *hugs* Morning Ski

ski_83: *hugs* Winter

ski_83: Good morning everyone

notime33: Good morning endSmileSmile

endoftheroad: Nice Queue Notime!