26 Jul 24 - 19:34
conaltheballbearing: Oh hello there. Busy morning....but motivated to get work done so I can get out of here early.....I hope??

notime33: SmileRockSmilegrinYes

ski_83: Smile

Winter: *hugs* Hey Ski. Yeah, I'm okay. Still easily worn out, but feeling okay.

ski_83: Winter, are you feeling better now, after being sick earlier?

ski_83: *hugs* Winter

ski_83: Happy Friday gang

Winter: Thanks Notime

Winter: Happy Friday!

notime33: Where's Banker..Why does Friday take so long to get here?..conalCool

notime33: Good day LanceSmileYes

Lance: Hey Notime Yes

conaltheballbearing: technically....it still is.RockRock

Winter: Morning everyone.

Lance: Hi Music fans Smile

notime33: Thur’s Day RockSmilegrin

thuringwethil: Happy Thur’s Day!

Winter: Morning all

conaltheballbearing: Good morning Children of the 80'sRock

notime33: Good day LanceSmileRock

Lance: Hey NotimeYes

conaltheballbearing: Oh....waht a day. Just threw it all up. Good help is definitely hard to find.

ski_83: Great album!

ski_83: SmileGenesis - Invisible Touch Throwing It All Away, such a great song!

Winter: *hugs* Hey Ski

ski_83: *hugs* Winter

ski_83: HI gang

waikikimike: It's the Revenge of the Nerds song . . . "They're So Incredible". Awesome!

Winter: *hugs* Morning Ski

ski_83: *hugs* Winter